Our Fabulous Sayings.......

"don't dwell on the past, or worry about the present but look forward and visualize the future"

"We'll praise Him during the good times. We'll praise Him during the bad"

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Oh today was just so wonderful


W372, my cell group, celebrated my bday :)

Was really really really REALLY touched by ALL of the sweet and encouraging and loving and affirming words that they said to me


Made me cry only.....yes i did cry...and i am MAN enough to admit it! Hahahah

I do miss my family and friends in Brunei, but with my cell group everything is SO much more easier!!

Thank you so much W372!!! For making today such a memorable day for me :)

Thank you:

Xue Ni
Xiong Kai
Si Ying
Yi Quan
Mei Yuan
Mei Hui
Mei Lin
Kiat Seng

Really wish I had everyone's picture so I can introduce each and everyone of my loving cell group members! My Family in Singapore :)

Hahaha on the way back home Yi Quan was saying how during the speeches from everyone....it was like my last time in Singapore like that Hahahah made me laugh so much only!

I got an Birthday Jelly Cup! A sweet~ belt! And such wonderful birthday CDs!

Thank You God for placing me in W372!! Out of every single CG thank You for planting me into W372!!! :D

Love you all!! :')

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