Our Fabulous Sayings.......

"don't dwell on the past, or worry about the present but look forward and visualize the future"

"We'll praise Him during the good times. We'll praise Him during the bad"

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

what a day....

Love the title, don't you? It could mean that i had a bad day, a great day, a hectic day, an unproductive day, loving day, dooms day (hahahah just had to put it in), funny day, or any other day for that matter (monday, tuesday, wednesday.....etc) hahahahahah. It's so out there don't you think, that 3 words could mean so many many many things hahahahahahha, just from the title alone can write a composition already hahahahhaha!

Moving on, the title is actually a good title. I did have a wonderful day! Well it didn't start of that well, as i woke up only at 2pm or is it 3pm -_-! hahahahahah so lazy right! But then things turned better cause i decided to do my quiet time with God immediately and it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Learned a few things today, but the most outstanding one is the one i learned from Joshua 18:3 which says

"How long are you going to WAIT before taking possession of the remaining land the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has GIVEN to you?"

The verse really spoke to me today! When we look at the word "land" it doesn't just mean like a piece of land that we use to build houses on, it speaks of basically everything in this world! Financial breakthroughs, Salvation of our friends, Broken relationships, Spiritual maturity, Academic results and so much more! And today God was just telling me that! Isn't it like AMAZING!!!! So now it's not the time to be COMPLACENT nor LAZY!!! It's time to STEP UP and OUT of the comfort zone, where we are all too familiar with. It's time to PICK UP the pace!!! And whenever we become tired, it is a sign telling us that we are going the wrong way or relying on our own strength cause " IF GOD IS WITH US WHO CAN BE AGAINST US!" and "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH GOD WHO STRENGTHENS ME!" and remember there is no such thing as short cuts, you gotta do YOUR part before God can do HIS part!


Then after that i went about doing my daily chores (so religious man-as in very routined) but i did do two things out of the ordinary:

  • i played GUITAR HERO!!! And apparently I ROCK!!! hahahahahahaha but it's reallt cool ok! Similar to DDR (in which i rock too~ hahahah beat Sam Koay! hehehehe) but the songs are SO LONG!!! and i didn't really used the proper guitar joystick, used the ordinary controller but still pro ok~ had to use the L1, L2, R1, and R2 buttons, and it wasn't THAT easy!
[yes, indeed i do!]

[hahahahah totally beat the rest]

[cool right the graphics]

  • and i had STEAM BOAT with a RICE COOKER!!!! i am sakai~ ok, never used a rice cooker to make steam boat before! BUT IT WAS SOOOOOO COOL! Had like lamb, pork, vege, tofu, egg, mushroom, hot dog, crab stick and mee (as in maggi mee not ME! lame right) hehehehehehhe and it was REALLY GOOD MAN!!!

[a rice cooker ROCKS]

[yummmm raw MEAT hahaha]

Then after that i came online to post this blog, (well DUH~) haahahahah and did chat with BEVERLY JOANNE LEONG WEI LI and had DIANA CHOO TZE LING added in the conversation, and it was CRAZY man!!! Diana keeps making hilarious mistakes! hahahahah saying that Juan wanted to rape someone or something hahahahahah and saying UK CAT instead of UCAS!! HAhhahahahahahahahh SO FUNNY, totally cracked me up man (well not literally lah, i'm fragile but not THAT fragile) hahahahah

anyway in closing just wanna say that i MISS YOU BEV (cause i was forced to put this on the blog :p)


im feeling a little frustrated. i wish i had gotten done all the studying for physcis by yesterday (so i can get the revision and some some chemistry an BIO by the time the weekend ends! then i can relax next week before the papers). Anyways, i havent exactly started. It's this SUPER bad habit; i keep thinking i can get everything done in just two days so i want to leave everything till two days just before the paper.

HAHA im like, tempted to write everything i can right now about the things in and around me. but i really shouldnt. It would take my night, ...and because it's private. :P what if i end up like britney spears! all the paparazi following her and all that. HAHAHAHA.

i will say though, that im frustrated. I really just wish some times that i could just accept things they way they are and in that, i'll always be content! i wont, have to get mad at how things arent progressing, or how things arent how i had wanted them to be and all that, because everything is ok with me. then i wont have to stress and kick at things, and punch air and abuse my little sister's hamster over them! sushi, or muffin (or watever names i call the hamster) would really appreciate that i think. :D

sometimes i think God could be putting me through a test. like,,, testing my patience. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg honestly, one of the harder things for me to have.
other times, i think He could be asking me to give up on certain things/dreams. which are. oh. so. hard. to. do. so.

One of the things i've learned in this walk with God, is that, better to learn the lesson during tests, trials or whatever and get it over with : P
but i dunno, i guess some things are hard to get over/ give up...

haha ok i know like, sentences here and there they dont connect. if i handed this to Mr Bryan (my GP teacher), he will not be pleased. first of all, he wouldnt like the "aaaaaaaaaaaarg" and , the terrible organisation of paragraphs. and extensive misuse of commas. ok maybe not so extensive, but i really wanted to put the word "extensive" there.

i'll write more next time, cos bernard wants to log in now. : P

Monday, October 29, 2007

something bout anime cartoons

AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA ok so like, right now, bernard's over at my place. and he's watching LAW OF UEKI! the anime cartoon! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA! IT'S SO STUPID! (ok calm down everybody who likes that show and reading this right now) it's just , you know, not as cool as RANMA 1/2! (haha initially wrote ranma 2/3) HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

so anyways, i read all of bernard's previous posts. HAHA SO MANY SPELLING AND GRAMMAR MISTAKES. hahahahaha. before i started typing this post, bernard was warning me not to edit any of his posts (which ididnt think of before he told me)  , but i probably would if he says anything embarrasing about me (i might hav spelt embarrasing wrong, but thats ok, i don have english alevel paper tomoro like bernard hahahahaha) and also i might change any of his grammar mistakes.

argh, this LAW OF UEKI makes
no meaning at all...

and argh, 4 weeks more before the alevels end ...

i'll write a surprisingly kiasu long post like bernard 's soon.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


After only like ONE MONTH, well less than one month lah, but still ONLY IN SUCH A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME..........OUR PLACE, AC2 is FINALLY READY, and it looks MAGNIFICENT!!!!

Today we had our first celebration service there and it was really really AMAZING!!! Not only was the place in tip-top shape that you actually feel like you are in a first class venue (totally can compete with The Empire, FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED (being Bruneian this is really important), and having an electrifying atmosphere, to top it all of, God was there!!! Worship was incredible and the message by Pastor Peter was AMAZING!!!

Today he was talking about "Cave Times" a sermon that comes from 1 Kings 19, about the significance of having not just an ordinary quiet time, but also what it means to have a quiet time. A time where you're in solitude, where you need to slow down and have a retreat in order to be able to hear God, as sometimes He comes as a "gentle whisper." How a cave is a place of transition where you move from a lower level to a higher level, taking care that the cave does not become your tomb but rather a womb where a new you is birth out and lastly how the cave is a place of impartation where God gives you the annointing to GO OUT and face the WORLD!!!! Indeed our God is so amazing! Anyway for those of you whoa re wondering how the new and IMPROVED AC2 Looks like here is a preview and trust me when i say that it looks SO MUCH better in real life :D


[ HAHAHAHHAHAh head banging Crazy]




[the overwiew of the place]

Friday, October 26, 2007

My not so secret place

Hey peeps, GOOD EVENING!!!! I know it's like 2330 at the moment, but it's still early ok~ and I LOVE staying up at night, makes you more alert in the morning hahahhahaha for me lah, I can't say for anybody else lah......like person D or person Y or person A or person J or person B or so many people actually, but you know who you are. I only get grumpy and i mean GRUMPY when i get woken up prematurely, or when i'm asleep and Benny starts playing the drums or when my maids shout bloody murder, THEN i get GRUMPY.....

Hahahahaha but this post is not about that lah hahahahahah it's about my not so secret place : ACTS 29

If you haven't already heard of Acts 29 ,then ask me, I'm more than happy to tell you all about it. We are a youth group that is headed by the oh so WONDERFUL Ps Ling and Jeremy, where we focus about our best friend JESUS. It's not a religion thingy it's all about RELATIONSHIPS!!!

Today's session was AWESOME MAN!!!!! If you were there, you can really tell that God was so there!!!! It's not just about emotions, the goosebumps or anything, it's this peace, this joy, this hard to describe not feeling but state, no, not state, a peace a mind or something, you just had to be there, cause you would just immediatly understand, during worship you just know that no matter what happens, that no matter how messed up the world is, or no matter how messed up you are, you just know that at that moment and through out your entire life, there is always ALWAYS going to be someone beside you, who'll hold your hand, who'll pick you up whenever you're down, someone who'll just be there for you WHENEVER and WHEREVER saying that He's there and He'll never NEVER EVER leave us!!!

And if you think that's great, the word of God, our spiritual Buffet that was provided by Jeremy, was even MORE Awesome, indeed everything just goes from glory to glory! Today we learned about Loving God with all our SOUL!!! And it was really mind blowing, and just very very very refreshing, not to mention hilarious, the message just totally helps us to understand and know God so much more intimately. We learned about how the condition of our soul determines the quality of our life, and that our soul is our personalities, and how it has 7 needs that well needs to me met hahahahah can't find any other word to replace needs, but anyway.

The coolest thing is that GOD KNOWS ALL OF OUR NEEDS!!!!!!!!!!! And He totally gets us, and His words said that "if we seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, all of these things (meaning our needs) will be added on" i mean isn't that amazing, God is just SOOOOO good that not only He gave us our one and only Son but He's also willing to give is EVERYTHING else!!!!

Our God is indeed a GENEROUS And LOVING father and no one, nothing not even the Devil himself can take that away from us =D

so in closing i just wanna say that it's not a religion it's a RELATIONSHIP!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Crazy Friends......

Hahahahahah see how crazy we are, the very first post and you already see me crushing Diana, hahahahh. I'm like Diana's self appointed best friend and like vice versa, for those of you who do not know the term vice versa, go look it up man ;) hahahahha

so this is like our first ever blog man, hahahah sooo sakai right~ well what are you going to do about it, sue us?!?!? hahahahha

But seriously man, we are CRAZY, if you like ever see us like hanging out I WARN you to RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, hahahahah like independantly we are ok lah, not that crazy yet but together, we do CRAZY stuff man, nearly crashing my beautiful WHITE Prado car, laugh until we cause harm to tables, i mean look at the picture man, poor tables that are under our care hahahahhaha

Besides that, we like fart, burp, poop, pee, and so forth, well who doesn't right?!?!?! hahahahah maybe not Diana lah, cause if you really know me then you would know how LOUD I burp!!

Today just wanna say that Chem was overall ok lah, everyone said like paper 2 was soooooooo GOOD but to me I prefer the June one, but paper 5 was AWESOME man! It's not that easy lah, but granted that i only like had 2 hours of sleep and Mandy kept kicking me before the exam and i was TOTALLY unprepared, i LOVED the paper =D hahahahahha

Then went home feeling pretty good about myself, and you would think i would be sleeping right but i didn't spent time with Jason wacthing the GROSSEST movie EVER, played with my two dogs, DumDum and BamBam, watched a comedy till my side hurts, walked my dogs, then had a WONDERFUL dinner with my family =) hahahahhaa

And now I'm in Yvonne's house typing this post waiting for my sis to call me up to pick her up from JP, BUSY aren't I, but that's the way i like it! Who needs a boring life anyway, you gotta keep it BURNING!