Our Fabulous Sayings.......

"don't dwell on the past, or worry about the present but look forward and visualize the future"

"We'll praise Him during the good times. We'll praise Him during the bad"

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

what a day....

Love the title, don't you? It could mean that i had a bad day, a great day, a hectic day, an unproductive day, loving day, dooms day (hahahah just had to put it in), funny day, or any other day for that matter (monday, tuesday, wednesday.....etc) hahahahahah. It's so out there don't you think, that 3 words could mean so many many many things hahahahahahha, just from the title alone can write a composition already hahahahhaha!

Moving on, the title is actually a good title. I did have a wonderful day! Well it didn't start of that well, as i woke up only at 2pm or is it 3pm -_-! hahahahahah so lazy right! But then things turned better cause i decided to do my quiet time with God immediately and it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Learned a few things today, but the most outstanding one is the one i learned from Joshua 18:3 which says

"How long are you going to WAIT before taking possession of the remaining land the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has GIVEN to you?"

The verse really spoke to me today! When we look at the word "land" it doesn't just mean like a piece of land that we use to build houses on, it speaks of basically everything in this world! Financial breakthroughs, Salvation of our friends, Broken relationships, Spiritual maturity, Academic results and so much more! And today God was just telling me that! Isn't it like AMAZING!!!! So now it's not the time to be COMPLACENT nor LAZY!!! It's time to STEP UP and OUT of the comfort zone, where we are all too familiar with. It's time to PICK UP the pace!!! And whenever we become tired, it is a sign telling us that we are going the wrong way or relying on our own strength cause " IF GOD IS WITH US WHO CAN BE AGAINST US!" and "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH GOD WHO STRENGTHENS ME!" and remember there is no such thing as short cuts, you gotta do YOUR part before God can do HIS part!


Then after that i went about doing my daily chores (so religious man-as in very routined) but i did do two things out of the ordinary:

  • i played GUITAR HERO!!! And apparently I ROCK!!! hahahahahahaha but it's reallt cool ok! Similar to DDR (in which i rock too~ hahahah beat Sam Koay! hehehehe) but the songs are SO LONG!!! and i didn't really used the proper guitar joystick, used the ordinary controller but still pro ok~ had to use the L1, L2, R1, and R2 buttons, and it wasn't THAT easy!
[yes, indeed i do!]

[hahahahah totally beat the rest]

[cool right the graphics]

  • and i had STEAM BOAT with a RICE COOKER!!!! i am sakai~ ok, never used a rice cooker to make steam boat before! BUT IT WAS SOOOOOO COOL! Had like lamb, pork, vege, tofu, egg, mushroom, hot dog, crab stick and mee (as in maggi mee not ME! lame right) hehehehehehhe and it was REALLY GOOD MAN!!!

[a rice cooker ROCKS]

[yummmm raw MEAT hahaha]

Then after that i came online to post this blog, (well DUH~) haahahahah and did chat with BEVERLY JOANNE LEONG WEI LI and had DIANA CHOO TZE LING added in the conversation, and it was CRAZY man!!! Diana keeps making hilarious mistakes! hahahahah saying that Juan wanted to rape someone or something hahahahahah and saying UK CAT instead of UCAS!! HAhhahahahahahahahh SO FUNNY, totally cracked me up man (well not literally lah, i'm fragile but not THAT fragile) hahahahah

anyway in closing just wanna say that i MISS YOU BEV (cause i was forced to put this on the blog :p)

1 comment:

Lau Ber Nard said...

bernard. so lame the title. HAHAHAHAHA