- GOT ELEVATOR in the school!!! Hahahahha I know very sakai lah~ but the great thing about the elevator, is that it's one of those high class one. got mirrors inside again, so can constantly check your hair HAHHAHAHAHA
- the Canteen sells cheap food :) hahahahahah well this isn't such a WOW factor lah, cause canteens in other Campuses also sell cheap food, but i love My canteen.....compared to *ahem* *ahem* other canteens that i had to live with for like my Secondary and College years.....if you know what i mean ;) hahahhaha
- TOILETS OMG THE TOILETS!!!! They're SO CLEAN!!!!! I mean CLEAN MAN!!! You can eat off the floor, NOT that it's advisable cause that's just gross, but the toilet is so wonderfully clean! They actually have a post that says something like "for comfort/cleaniness/something along that line lah we clean and stock the toilet once every hour" hhahhahaha i mean with just the toilets, i give the school 7 out of 10 already hahahahaha
- WIFI!!! of course must mention about the Wifi right~ and it's like Super fast! And why wouldn't it be....it's Singapore....how i love it here~
- WATER DISPENSERS!! for those of you who have known me for quite some time, you know this is like a PLUS point in my book~ they're located on every floor! hahahahaha
- There's a direct bus that travels from my apartment directly to school :) i mean now that's AWESOME!!!
So yes~ those are just some of my favourite things about school :) i mean of course got so much more facilities lah, like the cool library lah (which is close for stock taking at the moment so no other comments there), the gym lah, tennis courts and other courts, and cause there's no swimming pool we get like free passes to the Queenstown Swimming Pool :D hahahah not that i am going to use that anytime soon....OH OH OH OH this is so like FUNNY!!! So like the campus has like diffrent blocks~
So Block A lah, Block B and so on..... they name the blocks after famous like people for instance:
Block A : Aristotle
Block B : Bell (as in Alexander Graham Bell well at least i think that's how you spell his name)
Block C : Confucius
heheheheh so funny right~ the life sciences block is like Block G : Galileo
So yes now the first lecture i had was so interesting~ i mean it's cause i love biology, so i was kinda engrossed in the whole lecture, although it was like cell theory, differences between eukaryotesand prokaryotes, different types of microscopy like light, phase shifts, X-ray Crystallography and so on.....i sound so smart right~ hahahahahaah but it was really just so interesting!
Heheheh and and and my lecturer for this module in Cell Biology hehee you're never going to believe this, she reminds me of SANDEEP!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEH I'm so serious man! Whenever she like pauses and stops to see if anyone has any questions, she opens her eyes like OPEN and purses her lips HAHAHAHHA and the whole time i was like, so Sandeep man~ AHAHHAHAHAHA. I do love my lecturer lah, she's actually working in her field as a reaseacher or something and teaching is just her part time....can you believe it~ i mean WOW man~ plus she's not like those who teach half way half way one, she's like a really good lecturer! Which i love :D
so yesterday~ even before anything started i already stood out as a teacher's pet hahahaha so the administrative staff wanted the class to appoint a class representative right~ and no one volunteered sooooooooo.....i DID HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA but everyone seems to go to this guys called Larry i think~ cause most of them were like classmates from the foundation year before, and he was like the go-to guy.....i'll show him the power of go-to~ HAHAHAHAHAHAH
So about the person who seemingly was a bigger suck-up then i was, did not really stand out yesterday....she was really quite.....so i guess no competition there anymore HAHAHAHAHAHHA i'm crazy, why do you even bother reading these things hahahahah
Oh did i mention, my classes are like night classes ;) so tonight will be another lesson with a different lecturer! WEHEEEEEE can't wait!
Oh i forgot to mention, yesterday morning i got my medical report~and this is what it says:
- No actice lung lession is visible
- normal heart size is noted (HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH)
- Non-active to HIV test
SO YIPEE I do not have HIV or TB HAHAHAH i seriuously do not know why i think it's funny i very sakai wah~ never had like a medical check-up before, as in TB testing and HIV testing lah....but the happiest thing is I HAVE A NORMAL HEART!!! Hahahahha i always think that my heart is too small like that! Cause they say your heart size is like the size of your closed fist, so when i do that right, it seems so small compared to my body hahahahahah but nothing to worry about there heheheheh
Also on the medical report it read:
"this is computer generated report"
HAHAHAHAHAHAH no seriously man~ you can't get anymore Singaporean than this HAHAHA
Till next time! God Bless ya'll~ hahahahahaha
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