MEDICAL CHECK-UP!!!! :O i know right~
But before any of that~ Ting wanted to go IKEA to have like BREAKFAST!!! And she wanted to meet at Ikea at like 9AM like NINE IN THE MORN!!!!
Well of course i voiced out my concern lah! I mean NINE IN THE MORNING MAN!!!! That's like the time when i JUST wake up~ hhahahaha but obviously we both dilly dawdle here and there so we only like reach Ikea at like 10.17am hahahahahahhaha
Ikea was great lah! I mean why wouldn't it be~ and i got:
Hahahahah only those two, but they were MANDATORY man~ hahahahahah so yes, back to medical check-up story.....
So cause i thought Ting would be like waiting for me till like forever~ so i rushed loh~ and the whole time i was rushing~ i was telling myself, "remember to bring passport and also USB cable (for Ting's camera)" BUT THEN~ i forgot -_-"
So the USB Cable was ok lah~ Ting brought "her" memory card reader, so like after Ikea we went our seperate ways......THIS IS WHERE THE STORY BEGINS hahahahahahahah
Long winded ain't i~
So i finally reached school~ then the receptionist say the person not in, out to lunch so i had to wait for like 1hour there -_-" but it's ok, i had my DS heheheheheheheh :D
Then the person came and told me that i needed to go for a medical check-up, and i was like "uh.....sure.......ok...." hahahahahah So i asked her lah, "do i need my passport?"
And she said "IC will do" so ok~ loh~ I didn't bother going back home to get my passport, so i took my time to go to the medical centre to have my check-up. Since it was my FIRST time~ i decided to take the bus from the MRT station, and so silly~ it was only ONE STOP AWAY, but that's not the stupid part, the building was like right INFRONT of the MRT station.........
I was like -_-" hai~ wasting 71cents hahahahahahah
So then i was waiting for my turn~ and i noticed that there are apparently a lot of Filipinos hahahaha so anyways it was finally my turn~ then the receptionist said that i NEEDED my passport 0_O"
So it was like 3.38pm already, clinic closes at like 5pm and LAST PATIENT TAKEN will be at like 4.45pm!!
So i was like mental man~ rush backed home to get my passport, then rush backed to the clinic~ reached by like 4.30pm! Not bad right~ hahahahahah i mean given that it was during peak hours so got like not only HUMAN JAM but also TRAFFIC JAM~ but i made it!
Hahahahah so i finally could have like my medical check-up and it was CRAZY MAN~ so efficient! I mean they'll give you a number right~ then after each and every part was done they'll send you to another room! So like got a screen telling you which room to go to one for example:
- the screen will flash your number to tell you to go to like room 14 for maybe blood test then when you finish,
- you go to the lobby area then your number flashes to tell you to go to another room, for example room 5 for like x-ray, then when you finish,
- you go to the lobby again to see your flashing number to go to ANOTHER room~
Hahahahhaah cool right~
So it was like that lah for me, blood test first! I was scared man~ the needle so LONG and they took like maybe 10ml of my blood!!! Hhahahahah i mean my PRECIOUS PRECIOUS BLOOD!!! Hahahahahah
So that blood taking room, overlooks the MRT station, once i entered the doctor was like, "i saw you running just a moment ago", and i was like so embarrassed man~ i mean talk about first impressions man~ hahahah not yet finish you know, the doctor entered my particulars as FEMALE! I was like "um doctor did you enter my particulars as female" and she was like "aiyoh, really ah, so sorry, i'm just really tired now" I think it's my hair man~ need to get it cut soon~ hahahahahah BUT I DO NOT LOOK LIKE A GIRL OK~ even my name BERNARD it sounds so MANLY!!!! Hahahahahahhahahah
1.....2......3.....YES!!!!! (only some will get this part hahahah)
Then went to take like x-ray, heheheh so malu, must remove shirt hahahahahahah then after it wa s done, i went out and like everyone disappeared~ hahahah i was like "huh~" so i just went to the lobby again loh.
FINALLY went to the consultation office to take my blood pressure, and mental man~ i think cause i was rushing lah, my blood pressure was like 210/92 the first time! Hahahahah the doctor kept asking me to relax, she took my blood pressure like 4 times, and she keeps saying, "haiyah too high" hahahahhah so finally right it dropped all the way down to like 138/76 hahahahahah with a pulse of 81, so unhealthy man~ my pulse that is~ must exercise more~ hahaha
then i had to wait for another consultation some more, so i thought the doctor will ask me like loads of question or something right~ but sekali, all he did was ask me to breathe in and out then he just use his Stethoscope to check my breathing~ hahahahaha that's all man~
WHEW~ i thought got like urine sample lah, stool sample lah, vaccinations lah~ hahahahah cause all my friends in Brunei who were going oversees to study had to do SO MANY THINGS hahahahah so compared to them........hahahaha
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