Our Fabulous Sayings.......

"don't dwell on the past, or worry about the present but look forward and visualize the future"

"We'll praise Him during the good times. We'll praise Him during the bad"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

a little glimpse of home....

I'm back in Singapore :)

Just so excited to see my Cell Group members again! I just can't wait to see all of them! Really miss seeing all of their smiles! Just 4 more days to go!! Then I'll be able to see all of them again!!

Chinese New Year was really awesome! Really just spent time with my family and only like some of my friends!

I had no idea how much I've missed my family until I saw all of them last week! Really had a great time in Brunei, although I didn't get to eat at all the places that I wanted to go to, it was still really great to just be back in Brunei. BUT Joyce did buy KO LO MEE FOR ME!!! Hahahahahh so sweet lah! When i JUST arrived, she was there and she was like "Bernard, your ko lo mee!" Hahahahahah it was delicious man! Thanks Joyce!

Also I DID gained weight! If i were to stay in Brunei for like another week my buttons would all burst open! OK ok it's not THAT bad until I would need to take my size 52 jeans out from the store room, but now i got to lose it all again! Which will HAPPEN!

I GOT SO MANY ANG POWS!!! Even more cause I'm studying in Singapore :P hahahahah loves it~

Just last night I really felt homesick, don't know why so sudden, but I just wanted to be home with my family.....I really do miss them. Today is actually my MUMMY'S BIRTHDAY!!!!

I don't think she'll ever read this blog, cause it's highly unlikely that she knows that i have blog, let alone what a blog is~ Hahahahah no lah no lah she's not that IT illiterate!

I really wish i could celebrate my mum's birthday with her in Brunei!
It was really good to see Yvonne again, so stressful lah, in my head Yvonne = LOTS OF THINGS TO DO (only once in awhile got chillaxing period hahahah)! :P hahaha went back for her 18th Birthday!
Mental benar~ got waltz lah, got the 18 roses speech lah, must wear formal lah (when so many other people didn't even wear formal......ok lah not so many but got 3 hahaha), got practices lah, aiyah just got many many things with Yvonne's name written on it (well she does own half of Baluhnei so why wouldn't her name be there) ~ hahahahahah but her party was really awesome!
Everyone looked so good, of course the birthday princess looked the best lah! Hahahahah Everyone keeps saying how it was more like a wedding HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAh
Yvonne was wearing white again ;) hahahahahha
It was great to see so many people loh, Alex, Richmond, Mark, Jason, Pearly, Pui Lim, Ting, Shaun, Paul, Sam, aiyah basically alot of people lah! Alex made an AWESOMELY DELICIOUSLY HEAVENLY CAKE!!!! Like *rarw* I can just eat that cake for eternity man! It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!
Got to hear Ling preach again!!! I miss her preaching so much!! It was just amazing last Thursday! Jeremy led P&W and Ling Preahced! It was just like old times but much better! Cause everyone has grown! With God everything goes from glory to glory!
Didn't get to meet my other friends lah like especially ALICE!!!!! Man!!! Police Dept lah! Spoil my entire schedule only! If not ah~ can totally meet up with her already!!! We'll be meeting up soon! Hopefully in Brisbane, Alice ;) HAHAHAHHAh
Yeah it was just really good to see almost everyone back in Brunei. Although i just want to stay with my family, i know that i have my own responsibilities now! I know that God has GREAT plans for me!
I just need to always put Him first! And the rest will just follow!
CNY in Brunei was great but i know that the rest of 2009 is going to be better!!
Thank You God for pulling me out! Although you can never be certain of what lies ahead, it is always better to move forward than just to stay put in one place. With God it is even better!
Love you all! God Bless!
P.S colour coding only takes like 5 minutes! writing this takes like almost 45 minutes hahahaha

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