Our Fabulous Sayings.......

"don't dwell on the past, or worry about the present but look forward and visualize the future"

"We'll praise Him during the good times. We'll praise Him during the bad"

Monday, April 6, 2009

You Can!

When I can't figure out what to give,
You can.
When I can't imagine myself being whole,
You can.
When I can't understand what I am doing,
You can.
When I can't leave everything behind,
You can.
When I can't see the harvest,
You can.
When I can't offer up a sacrifice,
You can.
When I can't see the peace,
You can.
When I can't gather the courage to return,
You can.
When I can't make sense of all my trials,
You can.
When I can't see myself being a leader,
You can.
When I can't seem to defeat my enemies,
You can.
When I can't seem to fit in,
You can.
When I can't see myself as a warrior,
You can.
When I can't put aside my pride,
You can.
When I can't have the strength to go on,
You can.
When I can't fulfill a promise,
You can.
When I can't see the King in me,
You can.
When I can't find the right One,
You can.
When I can't bear it all,
You can.


adapted from Hebrews 11

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